I’ll leave you to go over at the official website of the Inglourious Basterds to watch the trailers. Make sure you watch the different trailers they have. I think the International version is the best although these trailers will never do justice to the film. Then traverse over at Youtube and do a search on the movie’s name. Read the comments as they are just hilarious. You will also see remnants of the neo Nazi propaganda, posts from anti-Jews and anti-Americans fighting for comment space in there.

Cinemas in the Netherlands are tiny and Rembrandt Theater probably has the biggest seat capacity in Utrecht. The Dutch are really not avid cinema goers as many of them are so cheap (and proud of it) they just watch movies downloaded free from the internet at home.
The film has a very impressive international casting. German, French and English were spoken all throughout the movie. It really gives you the feeling of transcending boundaries, cultures and languages, and it’s inspiring to see actors such as Christoph Waltz (Lt. Landa in the movie–I was quite enamored by his charismatic yet stealthy performance but I can understand why some people find him irritating haha) who spoke fluent German, French, English and Italian!
One of the funny scenes in the movie is when Brad Pitt aka Lt. Aldo posing as an Italian escort to German actress and spy, Bridget von Hammersmark (Diane Kruger) at the Nazi film premier spoke Italian with a very, very, very thick American accent, “Buongiorno!”
The rest of that scene was just frickin hilarious.
On the other hand the movie has a tragic Romeo and Juliet effect with the characters, Shoshana Dreyfus (Melanie Laurent), the French-Jewish survivor turned Theater owner and Fredrick Zoller (Daniel Bruehl), the Nazi soldier hero. There was momentous heartbreaking gravity there when they both killed each other.
Another favorite character is Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz (Til Schweiger), the ex Nazi who became famous for killing Gestapo officers and recruited into Lt. Aldo’s the Barterds team. His character in the film is so mean, unyielding and driven that it’s almost and insanely bordering comic. It is strange but so true!
3 hours long. Worth it. Watch it.
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