Crouching spider,

Hidden grasshopper.

A female spider with her spiffy egg sac.
Sorry, don't have time to ID the bugs this morning! If anyone knows, please leave a comment or email and I'll add the info. I'm thinking that the last one may be a wolf spider.
Edited to add:
Thanks so much to Thingfish23 who has identified the first "spider" above as, well, not a spider but a Harvestman. (I really should have known that. His body didn't look quite right for a spider.)
Order Opiliones.
The second one's a Northern Green-Striped Grasshopper (Chortophaga viridifasciata), according to this site and this one. (Thanks again Thingfish23.)
Thingfish23 also says that the third image above is of a "nursery web spider" (Pisaurina mira).
Edited again:
Sisu says the third one is a wolf spider.
Get ready for the Battle of the arachnophiles!
If anyone else has an opinion on the identity of the spider in question, please email or leave a comment.
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