I believe that this is one of the Viburnums, probably Viburnum prunifolium a.k.a. Blackhaw. (The blooms are from a couple of weeks ago.)
Edited to add: So, not a Viburnum! I'm a rank tree-identification amateur and got it wrong. Thanks so much to the Ontario Wanderer who pointed out that this is actually a type of Dogwood. (I'm thinking it's a Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum), but the ID requires more examination of the tree than I have time for this morning so will have to look over the weekend.
Edited for a second time to add: My husband had to call to tell me, "I told you that was a dogwood!" Now that I think about it, he did. I just wasn't paying attention to him. (He would say, "as usual".)

The flowers up close.

Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) tries to take over the world.

Often mistaken for Poison Ivy (which has three leaves instead of five).
Some tree links:
Trees of Alabama and the Southeast
100 Trees of Alabama
Some southeastern U.S. trees and woody plants
(Takes a while to load even with zippy DSL. They have other regions too.)
Key to the Gymnosperms of the Southeastern U.S.
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