If you climb and likely because you climb you know what fear is.
Much of what we do in life is motivated by fear. Fear of losing a loved one, losing a job, losing you favorite bit of kit or losing your life.
Few things in our life are as powerful as words.
Wordscan excite you, depress you or even kill you. They can kill a business or start one.
I was once told that the Cold Thistle blog "was a weapon of mass destruction". I have come to realise that the proclamation came from a base in fear.
Fear of failure?. Fear of havinglimitations pointed out? Fear of job loss or product dismissal?
Smart people (or a compamy) won't find much to fear in life. They may run the ragged edge but they stay in control. What is there to fear? There are always other jobs. Failure is part of success. Few reading this will ever go hungry or lack a roof over their head intentionally. The best seldom worry about being the best. They worry more about how to better themselves or their business.
Yoda said, "Either do or do not. There is no try."
Simple enough. But WTF has this to do with an alpine climbing blog?
It first needsrepeating:
from Jan :
"Remember what works for me may not work for you. Always take my comments with a grain of salt and trust your own observations. I can only write what I see or experience. I don't pretend to know much, let alone know everything. Do your own research...learn through your own experience when you can what works for you. Then compare notes with anyone you can find that has similar interests, experiences or goals. Type it into Google. And always consider the original source."
I had no idea a "list of the best" would be atarget. No big deal asrounds can just as easily go out as be incoming. Ammo is plentiful ;-)
It is worth looking at theblog. Intentionally there is no advertising on the surface or behind the scenes. And I could very easily do both. I don't like ads. I really don't like being involved with advertisers.Most of themactually want somethingfor their money. Imagine that? My opinion is they simplyclutter the web site and anyworth while content . I hateads. They suck. The only thing worse is the multiple pictures of me. Once I figure out how to make money at this I'll hire models and buy THEM gearI really like to take pictures of. But the bastards will have to work for free!
Ah, but the companies that live in FEAR...they are the most demanding of all and have the most to lose.
It doesn't take much to figure out who in the outdoor industry owns the limited brain trust for research and development. R&D as opposed to just cost cutting veiled as a technologicalimprovement. Easy reference is look at where they manufacture. Is it at home or off shore? Anyone making the effort to manufacture in their home country is paying a price to do so.Ever wonder why someone would do that?Running it out on your own and trusting yourskill set? I can admire that.And who are the guys out therethatsimply make copies of good ideas? Sadly, I have yet to see a copy that is as good as the original. I have however seen improvements onoriginal designs. One is not the other in most cases, but the rare exception.
Lots of decent gear being made. Pick and choose, then support the ones you think deserve your hard earned coin.
The good companiesdon't live in FEAR. They easily make changes in public, admit mistakes, fix them and move on.Same decisions most of us have to make everyday. Look at the corporate cultures. How do they deal with the public. How about the retailers? The manufactures? Even the blogs and forums. What are they into "it" for.
If you have ever had a pissing match trying to return a piece of gear or bought an item that you foundtruly a POS compared to the advertising hype or went looking for honest, no BS, opinions of a end user, I suspect some of this will ring true to you.
The gearI mentionon Cold Thistle is what I think is the very best. Most of the time it could be better. I don't mind pointing that out as itis generally pretty obvious to everyone. Either way it is gear Ipaid my ownmoney for and actually use. Sometimes but not often betting my own life on the results. Those suggestions may change over time for various reasons. You may disagreeand I love to hear about the mistakes you think I have made. But no one paying me to write about what I like and use.
Believe it or not I write this blog simply forfun! But it is also "serious business" to me.
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